Scott & Ana Gudsell of Ngahau Trust


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2024 Greater Wellington Finalists: Scott & Ana Gudsell of Ngahau Trust – Sheep and Beef

The couple behind this Featherston property are future proofing it for generations to come – maintaining high production while also enhancing the natural environment.  
Ngahau has been in the Hume family since the 1840s, and its management was taken over by Ana Gudsell and her husband Scott in 2020. Since then, they’ve had a strong focus on enhancing the farm through subdivision, improving water reticulation and developing pastures. 
The 1,163ha (512 effective) sheep and beef, breeding and finishing farm runs a total of 5,000 stock units. This includes between 1,800 and 1,950 breeding ewes, and between 140 and 160 breeding cows. The balance is made up by trade lambs and grazing hoggets. 
About 60% of their income is derived from sheep, 30% from beef and the balance from grazing and grain.  
Ngahau has good natural fertility and strong clover content, and the couple is building on this through continual development. This includes the installation of a sophisticated and highly reliable water reticulation system that includes two solar-powered pumps. This development has enabled them to maintain high levels of production, particularly in relation to weaned lamb weights and creating a resilient business that successfully navigates varying seasons. 
At the same time, Ana and Scott have been retiring native bush areas and protecting waterways, including an ongoing programme to fence off the main creek systems. With financial support from Greater Wellington Regional Council, they have fenced and excluded animals from just over 1km of waterways – and plan to fence another 1.4km this year    
Along with their friends and wider family, Ana and Scott appreciate the beauty of Ngahau and enjoy using it for recreation. As they plan for the future, they are committed to ensuring its natural beauty is retained, while continuing to develop it as an efficient and sustainable farming operation.  

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