Farm Environment Trust Celebrates Great Farming Stories


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Many of the great farming stories delivered by the Ballance Farm Environment Awards are showcased on New Zealand Farm Environment (NZFE) Trust’s website.

NZFE chairman Simon Saunders says the Trust recently revamped its website to make the “vast wealth of educational material and fantastic farming stories” easily accessible to farmers and the wider community.

The ‘Great Farming Stories’ link will take the viewer through to an extensive choice of ‘Sustainability in Action’ video presentations and written reports.

Focusing on the regional winners of the Ballance Farm Environment Awards (BFEA), the brief and informative videos take a passionate look at farmers who are “doing the right thing” when it comes to sustainability. Each story gives an inspiring insight into what can be achieved on farms, vineyards and orchards throughout New Zealand.

Visitors to the site can also view a comprehensive range of BFEA brochures from past competitions. These brochures acknowledge the Supreme and category award-winners from each region, detailing their farming practices and goals.

While all the featured farmers are at different stages of their journey, they share the same goal of farming both sustainably and profitably. Their enthusiasm is contagious and they set a great example for others to follow. 

Mr Saunders says the website will also be of interest to those outside the agricultural industry.

“People from urban communities will enjoy learning more about what farmers are doing to look after their natural resources while improving the sustainability and profitability of their businesses.”

He says the website is a great resource for anyone considering entering the Ballance Farm Environment Awards.

“It’s important to remember that you don’t have to have the best farm in the district to participate in the Awards. Most farmers enter because they want to benchmark their farming operation and build knowledge on how to mitigate environmental issues and lift business performance.”

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