Lentil, Avocado and Walnut Salad with Whipped Feta

Recipe by Stephen and Samantha Wade


Recipe 2 Avocado 1437
Home / Round the Farm Table / Lentil, Avocado and Walnut Salad with Whipped Feta

To be completed…

Serves 6


Whipped feta

200g feta

1 cup thick natural yoghurt


2 cups cooked lentils

2 ripe avocados (largely diced)

1 cup oven roasted walnuts

½ cup Italian parsley leaves

1 radicchio lettuce

Inner yellow leaves of Celery

1 apple (matchstick sliced)

Flakey sea salt and fresh black pepper

Walnut oil

Apple syrup


Crumble the feta into a bowl add the yoghurt, then whip until smooth. Refrigerate until required.

Bring the whipped feta out of the fridge, to take the chill off it prior to making the salad.

In a suitable sized bowl, add the lentils along with the six other main ingredients. Season with sea salt and a good few grinds of black pepper.

Now dress the salad with liberal amounts of walnut oil and apple syrup.

To plate, smear the whipped feta onto the base of your serving platter. Gently top with the dressed salad, and your good to go.

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